Sunday 23 June 2013



"It's when ordinary people rise above expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached." - Mike Huckabee

Every legged being on this planet has fallen before learning to walk or run or even stand. Taking a larger picture into account, some of us remain limp even when our hair begin to grey. The world seems lesser organic when the sight of men loses its sheen. It is the touch of color that makes the world beautiful and vibrant while monochrome is always an intense color! No prizes for guessing the title of the cues that inspire this writing.

Throughout life there come two kinds of success, one where you outperform your ownself and another where you outperform others. Both of them have a lot of sugar to digest. Set your eyes on a certain goal so high that your neck cracks by even looking at it. You work hard, harder- your hardest to achieve something magnificent that others can only dream of yet cannot savor it. Leave everything behind; your materialistic things, emotions, your feelings, even yourself if you've to. Pushing to the limits is what a few of us do nowadays, mentally. Then the reaping day comes where you get the result of sowing of your seeds. The result comes out in your favor, the likes of which the people has never witnessed. You rise to the occasion and enjoy the spotlight. The thing about spotlight is that it is never permanent. There's an element of surprise here and that is why the people remain in an awe. The stage awaits the man of the hour with all the glory imaginable. Extraordinary things happening to ordinary people always catches attention. Here you outperform your competitors and are set as an example for the future potential-ists. The person becomes the eyecandy and enjoys h-is/er 2 minutes in the glory. This part is what most people dream about. This part is what makes it 'The Thing' to achieve! Sound the bugle, roll the drums, pour the champagne! There is no feeling close to this. It all seems so heavenly and pristine like every butterfly performs a special piece for you.

Soon, reality calls..

With all the heroics achieved, the person becomes invincible to the others; the untouchable. This is what 'fear' of a god-like person does to other people. Meanwhile the person in glory might brag about, wandering in all h-is/er super-confidence. During the time of test, fear gallops. Fear has a lot of power and mustn't be underestimated, it can prolong the torment in men. The expectations of the people are sky high and the onus is on the person to outdo h-im/er -self. Ground reality calls and mind begins to wander various alleys. Forget outperforming, the person can't even repeat the previous performance. The spotlight dims and the person gets off the stage. The golden chair that once invited the person soon finds him estranged. The whole world turns upside down and it takes a lot of courage and spirit to turn it right side up again. Sinking in the ocean of your own passion, prospects & creations. Dreams turn to nightmares as the real world comes to haunt the very essence that made the person achieve such thing - the Spirit. Cold streets with growling beings make it harder to breathe outside and makes the world a lot more claustrophobic than it actually is. Break a person's back and see how the spirit follows! Hope is the only weapon available, along with Endurance. The person begins to retrospect and can either find emptiness or elements that can bring h-im/er back in the game. The head knows what the body can ever imagine. Take a screwdriver and pick up any wrecked thing you've around you and your mind will do the rest. This is what we call the grand 'Comeback'.

"Listen to the sound of your own voice & you can rise above doubt and judgement." - Nancy Lopez

Start from the scratch with a peace of mind that even the wing beat of a fly could be sensed. We're all but malleable pieces of energy so concentrate on the ground reality. Never aim of outperforming others. Eclipse yourself and you shall find the courage and the determination to transcend to where you belong. Just imagine the fire of your own passion for the thing you aspire to be and dig deep enough that you find your lost Ire. We're ultimately a substance of our own doings and the choices we make over the chances we take. Dedicate every inch of yourself to the work and build a utopia. Run after the peace of mind like a dog chasing cars and watch the success bird come knocking on your door. 

The key to surviving the whole episode is to savor and embrace and analyze the situation correctly, keeping intact its true meaning and essence. One needs to subsume the feeling and be satiated at one point to prevent harm to oneself. Unreal goals are inspiring till a point of getting a person back on feet, to rise that person. The person should never create a forcefield around h-im/er -self to lead a prosperous life. The person must never turn to anti-social events as it is what we do that defines our true character. The beginning of this post was meant to be taken as a story of a whole and not a fragment in itself. Ignition is needed to start a fire but you cannot ignite a fire from fire! It is fascinating how we use hot temperature'd words to signify passion and dedication towards something. It takes a lot to reach the numero uno spot but it takes everything to maintain that spot. Contended people are those who acknowledge the calling of time and graciously step down at the correct moment. The first step to Rise is accepting one's weaknesses and overcoming them without the sense of self-pity. Falling down is a blessing in disguise for everyone as it maintains the level of sanity required for the normal functioning of humans all around. Stumbling down is a virtue full of life and hope, if you look at it!

So why do we fall? Only to Rise again, I guess!

"Limited in his nature, infinite in his desire, man is a fallen god who remembers heaven." - Alphonse de Lamartine

The Hand Of Fate: Part II


"We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde

It takes two to create & appreciate a work of art. Any work done in the world is either appreciated or rejected. Thus, the world needs a 'giver' and a 'receiver'. Similarly it is obvious that, like I mentioned in the previous part, people either believe or they do not. Being humans, every person in this world share certain similar dreams of leading a peaceful life, no troubles with anyone etc. The strings of a wet violin or an acoustic guitar can provoke certain emotions and feelings that no other thing in the world can. But what is music to the deaf! 

It has been extensively discussed that whether or not all the things that happen to us happen suddenly or are they pre-programmed? Just imagining this question initiates a chain of thoughts and the person knows whether he/she is a believer or not. Some people like abstruse things while most prefer simplicity i.e. what they see is what they believe. The idea is to romanticize the whole concept and turning it into an indirect way of introspection. It is our innate tendency to ponder over events that take place during the course of our lives, "Why did this happen? What is..? How can this be..?" Nearly all the chordates in the world possess two eyes each but yet don't share a common perspective on certain things.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" - Tina Fey

"It's a bird.. it's a plane.. it's Superman!!" Sounds familiar? How apprehensive we are towards the paranormal or supernatural things or entities that we need a constant reminder of such things that stand parallel to the values with which we are familiar; such as mortality, morality & the biggest of them all -it's Tangibility. Who would believe a man able to fly or read our minds correctly? Perhaps it is also for the same reason why our imaginations let us explore this super-natural phenomenon, with a human heart. Take the success of movies such as Star Wars, Star Trek and some recent super-heroes from the likes of Spiderman, Iron Man, The Avengers, Dark Knight trilogy & the most recent Man of Steel. The creators of these reboot movies made a small integral change to the character as a means of achieving ultra-reality - Heart. The protagonists, no matter the symbol, had their heart in the right place thus connecting with the audience and attracting a wider one. The main character's were regarded as a symbol they wanted to signify, at the same time seemingly appearing human-like/believable with a conscience and a conviction. It accounts for a perfect blend of power & sense. Who hasn't dreamt of being able to fly, seriously?!

For extra-ordinary achievements there's a process:

Think (and brainstorm)
An Idea (is the seed)
Imagine (and let the idea grow)
BELIEVE (in the idea)
Concentrate (your energy into your belief)
Work (like there's no tomorrow)

Once you show people your current stature and magnitude of your success, they would want to test you to your limits. It is only when a person is able to repeat his/her heroics that s/he is regarded with respect. But the beauty of humanity is also that if the person fails to repeat the same performance, s/he earns what is most precious on earth - Respect. When a person respects another person, s/he believes in that person. Respect is a bridge that connects a person to the most amazing experiences. Similarly when a person 'respects' and understands the mystical ability of nature and the laws of humanity, the fruit of belief won't be left untasted. Extraordinary things happen to ordinary people, it is that they choose to believe it, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"(rings any bells?). A non-believer is essential to complete the balance of the universe. Some believe that to believe is a gift; believe it? ..or not? Why not take a leap of faith then!

"Sometimes you've to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later." - MoS dialogue