Thursday 13 April 2017

Something Just Like This


"Set your eyes on something far greater than you can fathom and watch yourself being consumed by the realms of suffering and torture- to reinvent yourself." - Arpit Shukla

One of the joys of being a child is to have bare minimum prerequisite for friendship. Being on the same porch or sharing similar affection towards something is only thing that they require. As the age dons upon them, they get stuck upon the requirements part of a friendship and thus, find it difficult to make new friends with ease. And then, comes a momentary speck where they see the remnants of their unfulfilled wishes in the eyes of those miniature drooling creatures. We earn only the things we yearn for. And as we come upon those who possess such a thing, a feeling of extreme resentment thunders upon us. A cute example of this could be an action figure of a superhero in the hands on a dear stranger, as witnessed by the child.

Jealousy is the walking stick of success while resentment are its shoes. Both help a person to remain grounded during his quest for greatness. Used wisely, the results can outdo expectations. There is an element of overconfidence but that's a different topic unto it. Of course, some grown men wish for things far greater than the superheroes they grew up with. The insatiable thirst for greatness and perfection is a tool for torture of such tormented souls. The feeling of self-depreciation is not as dangerous as it is when compounded with the sense of over-appreciation of others. 

To be the center of attention of something great is what fuels the desires of men. Whether it is with wearing a mask or being crude in their full glory- depends on them. Success of course, isn't an overnight stroke of genius. It takes a plethora of dominoes of to-do tasks, while avoiding the empty voids of negativity that true success is achieved. It isn't as much about knocking down the pieces of steps-of-achievement as it is about surviving the fall in those voids. Thus, it requires constant attention and motivation to cross the domino river. I often convince myself by setting or rather resetting my desires to better tune-in with my current state. Simply put, once you set a goal for yourself and once you achieve it- set another goal, a much difficult one. It is only when you are drenched with your own sweat that a gym workout can be considered successful. More importantly, it is the ability to be consistent in what you do that defines you and weaves a part of you in the vast canvas of the universe. Obviously, it would still be a dot but that particular spatial coordinates will belong exclusively to you.

Satisfaction is the elixir of any desire. Whether it comes after  or before glory is subjective. But it is what drives our abilities and our wit in achieving the goal. And once something is achieved, another domino river awaits him. It is the urge to outperform oneself that greatness is achieved. The thought of being someone larger-than-self act as turbo boosters for the new level of the game. It is in this moment, of sheer brutal rampage of true yearning that we ask ourselves for something just like this.

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal- a commitment to excellence- that will enable you to attain the success you seek." - Mario Andretti