Sunday, 20 June 2010

Man Is Not A Gadget!


"A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone." - Francis Picabia 

Gadget's have simplified our day to day lives like anything. Whatever we ever dream't of has come to life in the form of a gadget. In the earlier era it were the James Bond, Stars Wars & Star Trek that freaked everyone with a sense of an 'impossible' but it did turn out to be 'i-m-possible' thingy. Today even the poorest man who can't afford a house carries a mobile phone with him. Artificial robots have already conquered the huge factories especially those of automobiles & computers. Their parts are so small that a human can never fit it. We've iPods to carry our music everywhere. It is in fact that every 3rd out of 10 thing is a gadget. Automated doors, escalators, microwave, mobile, ipod, remote, dvd etc. 

Now let's face it, we're literally too lazy that we need a machine to wash our clothes, cook our meal. But we're not lazy at all when it comes to updating our status' on facebook or twitter - be it having a haircut, delivering a child, or simply sleeping! The truth its been too-much of technology bestowed upon us, created by us, that has made us handicap against the most common things. In earlier times people used to have dinner together at the dining table but now TV has replaced it, the tea is made using a microwave & even the newspaper have been digitized!! It has thwarted our natural abilities to work on the most basic life necessities. We can't learn new things until we learn to get out of ourselves. 

But when it comes to life-saving, these gadgets have a light years to travel. Diseases like Cancer, Malaria, Diabetes, AIDS & even common cold is deprived of these gadgets 'Mission Accomplished' list. So what's the use of these gadgets? The answer to it is, Living in a delusion of the 'world-is-in-your-hand' philosophy. There are obviously more diseases like these to which the vaccines are available but what-if one is suffering from it? Then these gadgets would be of no help. And besides, these gadgets are costing us our environment. 

A person checks his mobile more frequently than he checks himself. I'm not against gadgets as I'm using one to send out my message too, but the point I'm trying to make here is that we should not let gadgets take control of our lives. These gadget's are like alcohol, once you see them you want more of it. We've a huge list of friends on facebook or twitter but how many of them do we really talk to? In a 2006-Hindi Film there was a dialogue that said,  "We know of the whole world via the internet but we're unaware of our neighbours, There are millions of phone lines & signals been transmitted every second but not a single line or signal that can express us or connect us with someone we really need."

Technology must evolve but not at the cost of us, our environment. The motto of Matrix Revolutions was 'Everything that has a beginning has an end', this might just be true. And the day it turn's out to be true, we'd be completely paraplegic & handicapped just as our gadgets and on that day we would've payed for what we had created. So 'tis better we wake up early than the 'Apocalypse Now!' moment.

"No computer, no gadget, no trickery. I am an animal, it is a plant. I will beat the weed!" Matthew McConaughey