Friday 1 October 2010



When life demands more of people than they demand of life - as is ordinarily the case - what results is a resentment of life almost as deep-seated as the fear of death - Tom Robbins

People are of two types: Introverts & Extroverts. Introverts are the one's whom you can identify in a crowd because of their extra-ordinary patience & ability to resist lure. Extroverts are exactly opposite. They don't mind sharing the most intimate secrets of their lives with others. They are extremely social & very good at making friends. Either of these two characteristics are the building blocks of one's persona. We go on interacting with new/old people everyday. With some we share a great rapport & with some we share a platonic experience. Now as there is interaction, obviously there will be an exchange of ideas & words. But sometimes the choice of words aren't apt for the situation & thus resulting into a depleting attachment between people. But most times, the inability to express oneself results into self-irritation, like blaming oneself for the situation. The person cannot concentrate on other stuff due to the ongoing 'self-conflict'.

Frustration is a monster that is born in one's inner soul due to the feeling of self-pity for their inability to make amends to the situation. A person who cannot, for some reason, express his-self will always remain frustrated throughout his life. The symptoms of frustration are: complete social cut-off, getting irritated at even the most childish topics, extremities of diet(too much/too low), lack of sound-sleep, lacking self-confidence, having a constant felling of being haunted by some of their own actions in the past. Frustration, irritation, anger are just subordinates; the root of these problems lies in the mind of the person. After spending a chaotic day if someone is constantly 'blamed' or held accountable for a situation, even jokingly, can add to the fumes of frustration. Both the parties should have enough maturity regarding the timing, the usage of words, the tone in which the words are showered & most importantly - the body language. Frustrated people are always short tempered as they go on compiling the negativities of others in their mind & when the saturation point comes, it results into a fight-of-flight situation, sliding more towards fight. As I stated above, people develop a self-pity feeling which is also one of the ingredients for frustration. There is no bigger pleasure of an achievement than that achieved by one himself.  Self pity is a deadly termite. it makes the person hollow from within & lingers in the mind till ages-of-his-life. It taints the conscience of a person and in extreme situations, extreme steps are taken. A dissatisfied person will always be frustrated as he considers himself an 'under-achiever'. The person might try to catch other's attention through his actions and if the wish isn't fulfilled, it might prove lethal.

The person has to find a way to relieve all his stress so as to remain healthy. There are a lot of psychological remedies for frustration. I personally use music as a way to relieve all the stress. By music I mean simple music with no or very few vocals. Background scores of movies can also help as they help you to imagine yourself in the 'film' situation, thus diverting from the problem. There are many genre's of music but for stress-busting, New Age is the best option. The person is actually trying to relate to his situation while listening to music. If the situation is too-extreme & intense, you can always increase the decibel levels. The true 'spirit' & 'charm' of music is revealed when heard in darkness, in serene environment. The other effective way to relax is exercising/yoga, writing. If someone does all the mentioned things then there is noway that person can get frustration. Writing is a very impacting method. But these things are only effective if done sincerely & dedicated-ly.

The frustrated person is always perplexed of the world's mysterious actions. He begins to dream of a world he envisioned. Gradually the line separating dream from reality gets blurred & the person becomes numb thus losing empathy for others. It has to be kept in mind that the evil's of a frustrated person aren't greater than the good that only a few see. It might seem tough at first but, you can do it if you really try!

Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing. - Eric Hoffer


  1. Beautiful post on how to control frustration...well written!
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  2. Thanks for the feedback. It's always nice to see IndiPeople here. :)
