Friday 7 January 2011

Lie To Me


"Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits the all."  - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

The calender has finally changed the decade & we're all packed up in our minds on how we'll make the best of 2011. This is an 'every-year' affair! Either at the end or the beginning of every year we literally lie to ourselves that we'll "do this & do that". Of course some of us are really sincere when it comes to do their work but no matter how much sincere you are, you're always left with half-a-dozen chores 'to-do'. We put our expectations so high that we fail ourselves & end up besmirching our own image in our own eyes. But there's another side to it too!

We deliberately keep our hopes high, that's our only hope! We know that if we put 10 things in our list(hypothetically), we'll accomplish 5 & by the time we reach at #7 the calender will take its turn again! We do this in order to motivate ourselves i.e. for 'self-motivation'. As we're constantly in search of motivation, it works as a good technique, unless you don't know of it! I know it sounds all perplexing but come to think of it, seriously. As it's been said by George in the 90's sitcom, Seinfeld, "It's not a lie if you believe in it."; if we really believe in the lie it becomes as good as a truth but not the whole. But like I wrote in one of my earlier post; Misunderstanding: The Half Truth, a half truth is dangerous than a complete lie. If we constantly go on lying to ourselves our mind becomes 'immune' of it & soon it becomes like a "daily-chore". By lying to ourselves we're actually deceiving our very soul that we dwell upon. Once we start believing in a lie, we literally live in a lie! We are born truthful but we die as liars. We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves, that too without discretion. The lie has, long since, lost its honest function of misrepresenting reality. Lies are told only to convey to someone that one has no need either of him or his good opinion. 

There are ways to motivate oneself other than lying. Why don't we prepare a list that suites our caliber, our lifestyle! If we prepare such a list then there won't be any need to lie to ourselves. Of course when we lie to ourselves, we know we're lying but sometimes after frequent lies our becomes numb when it has to distinguish the truth from a lie. This is where we lose the grasp over reality because we're 'living the lies'. The problem arises when, while living the lies when we hurt others, much less ourselves. Our inner soul cries foul to us & we know that no one has ever lived a satisfactory life when they know they're guilty. Initially our mind rebelled against lying but at that time we persisted it to the level of insanity & later when we come back to our senses, no matter how much we try hard - we can't explain to our mind that we're 'truly' want to change. An average person lies atleast 10 times a day, sometimes even without knowing it. Lies, no matter how innocent, always create misunderstandings. Every liar later realizes that, "had I chosen to speak the truth, I'dn't have to go through this living trauma". But, like a bullet, the lie that are uttered via the words can not be taken aback. So then we tell another lie to hide this & thus resulting into a nuclear chain of lies. Ultimately we reach a saturation point where we cannot 'take any more lies', quite literally. Sometimes it's too late to mend things but it's never too late to realize our actions, leading to such consequences. Our mind will no longer believe in itself once we start lying to ourselves. This will create a debate that will challenge our own sanity! A liars punishment is not that he is not believed by his conscience but that he cannot believe others too. 

The best weapon to kill a lie is truth. We know this ever since our childhood but as we grow, we seem to forget these things & we lie to sustain in this 'brutal' world. One can live with a lie but not with one's own conscience that remains the measure of our love for us & others, our own sanity & our own 'company'. Even if we lie to someone we can always clarify things in the future but when we lie to ourselves we must clear the stats at the same time. Mind is an amazing thing but it believes whatever we believe. Obviously only our brain has the power to believe in things but by lying we divide our brain into a disputable position. One half doesn't wants to lie & the other half has lied by that time! Throughout history we've known that the negatives are always very powerful than the positives but the same stories have also portrayed that the positives 'believe' in themselves & that acts as an accelerator to their confidence. To have that kind of confidence one must have a clear conscience & for a clear conscience one must have a clear perspective regarding lies/truth, good/bad etc & for that we must be 'true' to ourselves. 

This simple equation leads an individual to a happy life.

I'd like to add one more simple thing: Every lie starts happy but ends in grief! - think about it.

The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we're afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it we fear we'll lose it. We fear that if we do not have love we will be unhappy.” - Richard Bach

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