Saturday 2 April 2011

Listen To Me?


“Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.” - Hermann Hesse

Logically, we speak to communicate with others - tongue is the world's most used tool to communicate. But how many times have we actually stopped clucking our thick tongues & thought about the way we speak? Sometimes people speak without thinking, figuratively, of course. Some people can't speak, some can't stop to speak. Some people speak in a high tone, some in a soft tone. But why does a person raises his decibels when he/she has earphones on, as in listening to music etc?!

"If you can't win by reason, go for volume." - Bill Watterson

The thing is, when we're speaking - we're actually speaking for us to listen. We're our own audience. When we speak normally, our tone & volume is different but when we're listening to something or when our ears are 'pre-occupied' - we raise our voice to communicate with others only because with chaos  lurking at our ears we're ourselves unable to hear a single word that left our mouth. Despite the fact that other fellow is having his/her ears intact. It's not arrogance as we aren't doing it on purpose, we simply can't imagine other person can hearing us as we have an inborn 'voice' of "why can't I hear it?!" So basically, we human's are designed in such a way that we've to mold ourselves to something as simple as speaking-&-listening.

Decibels don't always increase when we can't hear ourselves, they also emerge as a 'poster-image' of anger. When we're angry, we yell i.e. we shout, scream etc. That's an extremity. To just justify how much anger or difference of opinion is filled in ourselves, again the strongest muscle come's to the rescue. We know that words & words alone design our character, our future, our strengths, our weaknesses - in short ourselves! To get the feeling of being the 'dormant' - we stiffen our cords. We ensure that the other person hears us & hears us well. 

The other reason for decibel increase is the one in excitement. Adrenaline is a funny thing when we know of it's effects & the capability of human body to go beyond the extreme, which wouldn't be extreme once it's crossed. The sheer example is that of a sporting event. The crowd can be heard, quite deafeningly. The scream, here, is the one of extreme joy or disappointment. 

The forth type of scream is the one in sadness. Just to blow the bubble of frustration, people scream. This voice is the result of the capacitative irritation, frustration, anger, pressure that builds a hollow monument of bubble in our heads. As we know, the only way to release this pressure is by 'speaking up' which usually is taken as 'speaking-out'. 

Thus we come back to square one. We know that the words spoken can never return, yet when we're not in our 'sound' mind - we let these 'loose' talks to drive. That's the beauty of the whole thing because after aggressive talks, the same lips & tongues deliver the words of wisdom, endorsed by their attitude. Where there's "damn" - there's also "beautiful" and many others. The only thing over here too, is the control over our mind. We always have a story to tell other's but sometimes finding a listening is asking too much! Hence, again, my recommended dose would be 'writing it out'. Listening to classical music also helps in calming of nerves. Divert the aggression, tension towards writing & thus creative writing won't be such a taboo as some reckon it as. The only 'mantra' towards leading a peaceful life is by exhausting our 'extreme=emotions'. We may all have our different methods to do so but hey, it's our lives!

"The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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