Wednesday 22 June 2011

Flow Like Water


"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy

I, personally, try to opt for things that are in some ways - abstruse. The idea & the title for this post was the incredible cue by James Newton Howard. The track was titled - 'Flow Like Water'. It starts with mild flute-cello-violin orchestra, reaches the dramatic climax with the help of cymbals, drums & ofcourse the orchestra. If the track is heard at the right moment with proper surroundings, it can give the feeling of something or someone closing-in on you. I wasn't the fan of it's title but gradually I could understand it's relevance. The track gives the feeling of flowing of water which, figuratively, is the human emotions flowing through one's mind. It's a way, as I see it, to vent out the feelings & stand on the right foot again. But as I wrote in 'Time', I won't let this post become a music review post.

Change - the reason & solution to every problem. Sometimes, a certain situation requires us to change & sometimes we change the situations. The leaders crave for bringing change in the society, some of them even win their campaigns. Adapting is also a change. Sometimes people change, sometime's we change. Sometimes people also get fed up with change. So is change good or bad? The best example of change & perseverance is flowing water. The water flows no matter how much it's path is changed i.e. inclination, diversion, re-routing etc. We cannot hold water in our bare hands, it simply flows though the fingers. 

Let me elaborate a little more:

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

When a person voluntarily feels or is convinced that he/she needs to change - the most basic question is what is it that needs to be changed - The behavior or the appearance or a brainwash? Bear in mind that the person is only given a direction, life is still flowing. Our life begin's with water & ends with it. Thus, metaphorically, we all meet in the same ocean. Water of the pond, lake or sea might of any color, any chemistry but it's core - H20 is/was/will always be the tantamount. Similarly, the change that we need to bring in ourselves merely helps us to distinguish ourselves from other 'waters', though we ultimately are the reflection of humanity & not any individual. We first need to dig deep inside ourselves to face our deepest fears, the darkest temptations, the empty voids, the over-filled pores so that we can lead a better life. Facing these 'things' can only help us. Once we face our own evils & gods, then can only we be able to distinguish & compartmentalize the changes that we need to bring in. Time, tide & universe wait for none. But change - it possesses the strongest of all other evils in the world. It has the capability to tame a person's mind, turn good into bad or the vice-versa. Perpetually, change has to be escorted by the recipient -self only when required. Good changes are like the finger's of a maestro dancing on the octaves of a piano. Whereas when a person changes to bad - it's like a violin-percussion duo which can only be decrypted afterwards, often when it's too late. Nothing in the world is bad as it simply depends on the hands that control it. 

We usually bury our ill-thoughts & actions, deep within us. Maybe deliberately, but by running away from our actions or rather 'what-could've-been-an-action', we're letting it to be re-born again in our future. It shall linger us, undoubtedly. What's good or evil is for you to decide. Student's are generally afraid of Math, like I was, but once it is 'understood' - it might not seem as difficult again. Surely it takes time but it's better late than never. 

Coming back to the topic of change & flowing water, most of times it is difficult to see the change we want to bring in. People can only inspire us, ultimately we must put our thoughts to actions & bring the change. Decorously, nothing is as permanent as change. Everything changes. But so does our lives, it also changes - our perspective, our priorities, our prospects, thinking, our character i.e. it changes us & reciprocally, we change our lives. The most basic instinct a person possess - 'What are they going to remember me for?' inspires us to extricate ourselves in the flood of people. Afterall, what began with wide hands, concludes with it. The water takes with it what it must. We're a huge body of water & even though sometimes we feel our life has become inert, the water is still flowing. Water can't be seized but it can surely be directed. Try to flow like water rather than trying to stagnate or rush it..! Water is extremely important for us, humans as it is seen to as a benchmark for how higher we stand.

Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.” - Lao Tzu


  1. Change is the law of life. . .those who do not change, slowly decay and degenerate. . . goes another saying. . . More than anything "change" keeps things alive in a sense. It keeps the excitement going, at times it brings it back. it spices up life and our musings about it. Life cannot be static, the wheel has to move and in a very interesting manner lives kind of resemble te wheel though one without a specific axis, the axis here keeps changing...
    ...Oaks fall while lilies withstand the violent storms... reason, the obvious one...

  2. Precisely. The world didn't stop rotating the day Einstein or Galileo or Michael Jackson died! Life flows on, like water.

  3. Life flows on,like water; so true, change is so important in our lives though people hardly realise it. One step towards "change" can actually "change" your life for real. "Acceptance"to change plays a key role. Its well said- "change is the reason and solution to every problem". I must say you quite good. Well written.
