Thursday 2 April 2015

What Happens Instead


"We never live, we are always in expectation of living." - Voltaire

In the beginning there was just darkness and then a wise form of energy proclaimed, "let there be light'. Let me start this post with a critical thinking point: is there light to conquer darkness or does the darkness overwhelm the light? It is no secret that the universe, in terms of physics, is unbalanced (the matter/anti-matter). So it's a part of life to find balance in unbalanced systems, as is to find order in chaos?

As masses of energy, we too have a particular equilibrium. This is usually when we are saturated with ourselves, the desires equate the accomplishments. Man without desire is one with the universe but on the other hand, one with desire has a lot to thrive for its own survival. Speculate the consequences when 2 such people meet. It shall be something on the outlines of, as the Joker said, 'an unstoppable force meets an immovable object'. Two contrasting backgrounds can be deemed as an opportunity to complement by an optimist and as a call for isolation by a pessimist. During childhood, many of the stories pertaining to greed had glorified the feelings of jealousy. "Why should the next person have something more than me?" Jealousy, thus leads to greed and eventually the reason to be self-less transfigures into a being of a lesser self. Let's consider, arguably, the greatest of all traits responsible for the personality divides: Introversion (I) and Extroversion (E). In a conventional scenario, an extrovert gets the attention of the world but the introvert actually gets most of the respect. Within oneself, both want a piece of either's gains. Nobody wants to lose anything. This wish can be a driving force for the people to work harder, smarter. We wish for a better, easier, simpler tomorrow. This takes us to a paradox; if there is actually a scope of improvement in everything- what is perfection, and when is it achieved? Pondering on such a question is a call for many sacrifices to be made in the future by the self. 

The Yin-Yang portray the good-in-evil and the evil-in-good philosophy. Children are innocent, they cry, dance, sing with all the ecstasy that we can fathom and thus a child considers every person a gentle soul for it thinks that it resonates with its own self.  A lawful judge on the other hand, tries to find the true essence of murkiness in people- the lies, betrayals that one attempts to hide. But at any point in life, all the 'adults' want to relive those uninhibited moments they had as a child. So, the circle of our wishes continue: a child wants to grow up and the grown-ups want their childhood back. A person who is observant and quick to judge can usually rely on his judgement, which may turn out to be true in most cases while the other person who is a believer of perceiving things that s/he thinks are as they are might find itself in a situation, crying out to polish or rather develop h-is/er judgmental skills. Maybe that's why common phrase, "Didn't see that coming." still exists. 

Being one-sided has never benefited anybody, it is always aspired to broaden and indulge into various horizons of life. Too much sweetness can be a cause for throwing up. Factorial experiments can inform us about the significance that a particular factor has upon our actions, the more factors we bring in- greater are the chances of an imbalance amongst its variables. Here comes in the principle of harmony. Let the varying factors be closer to some standard, imaginary criteria. One may not want to be completely inclined towards a particular field while being completely or partially oblivious to the existence of the another. The universe works in a consortia of many factors/variables. Aren't we affected by the day and the night as much as with our sleep? We plan many things, maybe unknowingly, by the influence of the sum of various factors. As we grow up, these factors become integral to our decision making. We yearn and yearn with every passing day for something that we do not have, while so callously we overlook the things that we are in possession of, at that moment. Try to achieve peace and you may find your most precious gift, yet.

I think now I can safely bring this topic to full circle and culminate that- it doesn't matter what happens, what matters the most is What Happens Instead.

"The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations." - Eli Khamarov

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