Monday 26 July 2010

When The Pain Dies Down...


"We must embrace pain & use it as fuel for our journey" - Kenji Miyazawa

Pain...what is it actually? The dictionary says that its an 'unpleasant sensory & emotional' experience which means that it is an abstract expression. It is an 'anti-self' action but only when we're at the receiving end. It's an emotion sustaining the power which can either create or demolish emotional barriers. In most cases, it creates more barriers than breaking them. 

The dictionary might term it whatever it wishes to but the truth is that there's no concrete or binding definition of pain. It can be compared to being 'uncomfortable' if the dictionary is to be believed, but we all know that they are different. Only the one 'receiving' pain knows how it feels. Again, pain are of two types: Physical, Mental. The similarities are that both leave a mark or a scar for a long time. Physical pain refers to a wound whereas Mental pain refers to the 'inner-self' of the person. There are medicinal remedies for physical pain but only therapeutic's attempt to 'divert the mind' for mental pain. The most common way of 'sweeping' the pain is crying. People weep, even the older one's, just so that they can clear their conscience & let go off the burden called pain. 

Pain can be caused by virtually, anything. You can get hurt even by yourself, both mentally & physically. Haven't cut your nails and if unconsciously you happen to get your skin scratched with it, you realize that..oh it was my fault. So this pain pertains without any foreign object. And not to forget the pain of cutting the nails of the grim-looking little finger of the legs. Sometime's I question to myself that god made everything for a reason, so whats the purpose of that nail on that finger? Does god want's us to be literally on our 'toes'?. Anyway, jokes apart, but the point is that one is equally responsible as others are, in terms of 'giving' pain. Speaking of mental pain by oneself, the most clichéd illustration that pop's into my head is 'not being able to do...'. As I stated in earlier my post, An Epitome Of Remorse , we're always left with a feeling of improvisation i.e. to improvise more in what has already been done. We regret something or the other that we did or rather we didn't because of our 'self-renowned' reasons. A mis-communication can play a major factor in 'exchanging' emotional/mental pain. We're in fact so vulnerable to our own deeds that we cannot help but repeatedly get indulged into some activity, good or bad, that we're left with nothing to do but 'regret' it. Mostly, we become victims of our own creations. It's like a Frankenstein out of control, you created it but you don't know how to deal with it. Then we're left with the cupid called 'Pain'.

The antonym of pain is happiness and I'd like to quote one of my favorite line, from 'Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban' that 'We can stay happy even in the darkest hours, only if one remember's to switch on the lights.'. We can defeat Pain, or atleast suppress it enough, if we remember to stay positive. That's right pain dwells in negativity, except electrons because electrons are at atomic level where pain cannot fit itself. One must try to look at the positives that are earned from his experience of 'pain' & despair. You made a mistake, doesn't matter. There is 'No use crying over spilled milk'. Pain is always a matter of the past. Forgetting our past means letting it be born again to haunt us in our future! 'That' past, when it is re-born and looks into our eyes, we get scared & the fear slowly transforms into 'pain'. Fear & pain are indirectly related but no matter what, a person can believe in anything when consumed by either or both of them. 

Pain creates a dam, ignites a fire in us. But when we remember to 'be happy', the dam becomes a river, the fire burns out. It all seems like a dream which can comfort us in the middle of the night, a song that carries us to a better emotion & we come out of it becoming a better self than what we were. 

Ultimately, we all want to experience the feeling of 'when the pain goes down...'

I'd like to conclude 'Pain' by some beautiful quotes that can help you co-relate with the point's I tried of writing:

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." - Kahlil Gibran 

"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. "Jim Rohn 

"The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain."Lord Byron

Happy 'Being Happy'.

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