Friday 16 October 2015

The Theory Of Everything


"Everyone is self centered, its just the radius that varies." - House, M.D.

With the first ever quote from a fictional character in any of my posts, I start a post that I hope can prove to be my humble quintessence to those that actually absorb what I write. At some point in our lives we came across the most fundamental question of all, how did it all began on Earth, in the Universe? What was the Zero Hour on Earth like? What or Who am I? et cetera. Whether we choose to feed our curiosity with facts and theories is in the volition of the person himself. I'd been looking up some of the fascinating textual creations that enabled me to look for the answers in the right direction- the Scientific one. As a man of science, it's been instinctive to me to get things known by the means of logic and science.

I'd like to start the discussion with the most controversial, as well as the most popular facet of Space Science- the Black Hole. To understand the Black Hole, we must acknowledge the process of turning of a Star into a Black Hole. Amusingly we talk about Peace in the world, the harmony amongst the living and somehow we've linked 'death' with being 'at peace'. Hell, we even have a prestigious award on Peace, quite Nobel. It begins when the fuel that power the stars, runs out. The formation of Black Hole begins with the death of a Star, the Supernova phenomenon. The Star explodes & as a result the heavier atoms fall into the core of the star. Imagine a 1x1 cm piece of anything, say Iron. Now, add to it the weight of about a thousand blue whales. That's how dense the core of the star becomes after Supernova. This core is now, the Black Hole.

The universe as we know it, is bound by 4 dimensions, the space-time; x,y,z Cartesian coordinates, Time. The Black Hole has the ability to bind this space-time. We've heard/seen or surprisingly for some, read about the phenomenon of bending of light around such a gigantic Black Hole. Talk about the cyclic 'beginning of the end and the end in the beginning' paradox. No, that statement wasn't a tongue twister. It's just the way of life as it is, break something to create something. Fissions on the Sun yield the energy necessary for the Fusion of Hydrogen atom. Nothing can escape the Black Hole, similar to how a child behaves in a candy store. Matter does not have parents to drag the other matters away from the overwhelming gravity, hence the parents join their kids in a journey towards the other side of darkness- literally. The first thing this family will encounter will be of the Event Horizon, nothing can help bring them back beyond this point. Like jumping in the Niagara Falls won't provide one with an opportunity to return mid-air. However, it shall not affect the observer on the outside. Passing through the Event Horizon, the family of atoms shall now visualise and experience their Spaghettification (Noodle effect). As appetizing as it may seem, it is an event where they experience the distortion of spacetime. Any matter/object shall be stretched and ripped apart due to the strong gravitational pull. This is what the Star experienced. Eventually, they reach the Singularity point. This is the point, the core of the Black Hole.

Modifying the previously stated example, now imagine the weight of a thousand blue whales in 1x1 mm piece of matter, except that there is no Cartesian space dimension here. No shape, no size, no dimension of this core with infinite density. Some scientists have till now proposed this Singularity as the starting point of the Big Bang. Such a violent beginning to a life that pleads global peace, spectacular. There are always a bunch of kids, people that choose to not follow the straight path. This luxury of Choice comes in handy as it led to the discovery of the phenomena of Hawking Radiation. As our family decided to go in for a picnic, their relatives thought otherwise and decided to go about in the opposite direction. These rebellious virtual particles appear and disappear almost immediately. They do not undergo the Event Horizon. This has been speculated as, the particles emitted from the Black Hole. Since I've used the word Black Hole so many times, rebellious as we are, we speculate the existence of the White Holes. Simply put, White Holes exist and are the exact opposite of Black Holes. To complicate it, White Holes exist at the Singularity- core of Black Hole, and replicate the events of Event Horizons at the opposite end. Hence beyond the Event Horizon, while nothing can escape out of the Black Hole; nothing can enter inside the White Hole. No single unit in the universe is capable of emitting massive energies so, Black Holes must emit this energy somewhere- the White Hole. There exists rotating mammoth Black Holes in our own galaxy, that has resulted in the creation of the Gravitational Waves across the planets and celestial objects in it. The gravitational force that we experience on Earth is a result of such chaotic(if by Chance) or contrived(if by Choice). I guess wherever we go, the Choice and Chance paradox never leaves us alone. Talk about harmony, at such a cosmic pinnacle!

The point of this somewhat-scientific post is to create curiosity, draw parallels to what we experience in life. There exist a myriad of metaphors in nature. For example, people usually dwell on their past a lot. They're usually advised to 'move-on' with their lives. Gravitational time dilation is an another interesting concept, the time slows down at the points with higher gravity as the ticking hand of the clock has more opposing force. Now, whatever we see is due to the reflection of the sunlight on that particular bunch of matter, hence, if I'm looking at someone right now- it is due to the travelling of the light from quite some time ago with the integral gravitation phenomena. Now take another example, the shadow. The light travels from the Sun, through the space and the gravitational pull back to us- but is stopped short by no other entity than us. We stop the light to pass through and thus the shadow is created. The deeds of our present shall once become our past and in turn affect out future. We are present, the light is from the past and the shadow is in the future. But as the gravitational wave has gifted the heavenly objects to revolve and rotate, it makes sure that the spotlight does not always fall back on the same person. After all, change is the only constant.

In todays time, we often confuse knowledge with information. Wikipedia or Google provides us with the information that the fire is hot, knowing not to put your hand in one is knowledge. The genetic material passed along to the offspring is mere information. So what about the information that went inside the Black Hole? Drifting back to the science of information, let us now go through the Black Hole Information Paradox. Imagine you writing something important and tearing it apart. These shreds of paper now lie on your desk. The paradox dictates that the information carried on that piece of paper still exists, though in a different and an interrupted puzzle form. What happens when we attend a lecture? We listen to the orator, and once the concept is understood, we move on and forget the other discussions that took place in the lecture. However, the information is passed on to a group of students, not a single student shall have the memory to remember the exact information- the way it was passed. So where does the paradox lie? The paradox lies in the retrieval of this information. How can we put together the minute pieces of the grand puzzle that hold the key to Everything in the universe? Surely, the One created quite the Magnum Opus to not be easily accessible to the un-awakened. How can an information passed on and resting in the Singularity where no coordinates exist, be converted into the mortal and humble world of ours? An explanation was given by the magnificent String Theory. To summarise it in one sentence, every particle, atom in the universe is believed to resemble the string. When you hit this string, it simultaneously exists in many dimensions at once. Sadly and aptly, this hasn't yet been proven. The other one involves a series of complex algorithms for the amplification of this information similar to those used for the conversion of 2D information into a 3D hologram. And we thought Star Wars was just another means of entertainment!

We use our 5 basic senses in addition to over 18 senses to pick and analyse this information as signals. Man is supposed to be a spiritual being that should thrive to understand the very processes that led to the existence of the humble and a bit narcissistic self. We are all trying to achieve peace, the penultimate peace shall not be anything less than answer, 'How did it all began?' Of course there can't be a single answer to the question but, wouldn't it be better to have many answers and a few questions? Probably not. We need a constant migration towards perfection. Perfection can be achieved only when we know everything that the 'perfect' thing needs. Answering the very existential questions can be a step ahead in this direction. Ultimately what that answer we get can be either of Chance or Choice, and the same shall determine what we believe as The Theory of Everything.

"Not only does God play dice, but... he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen." - Stephen Hawking

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