Wednesday 14 October 2015

Where We Are Going


For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Change is a phenomenon that includes the conversion of anything into something. Paradoxical notion suggests that nothing is as permanent as change, surely. By this, even change must change. A seed germinates into a specific plant/tree. The change is brought upon by several factors. These factors can be anything materialistic to abstract. Again, in keeping with the tradition of my previous posts I've to bring in the 'mind' factor. The factors for bring about the change are guided by the conscious thought process of ours, based on the final outcome. When we let the ends justify the means, we let ourselves to be indifferent to the methods. Every time we leave home or the then-current coordinates, we create a nonentity. This void had since been occupied by our destination.

Amusing how the Golden Ratio set an epitome of the perfect symmetry in things around us, and us, and yet, science dictates that the world is a result of an imbalance in nature between the matter and the antimatter. Boldly put, science suggests that there isn't a proper balance between the two. Both have equal magnitude of potential yet have been directed against each other, leading to the destruction of both. Now, it seems what we lack here is the direct relation between balance and symmetry. Balance is the equal distribution of two things, symmetry means the exact reflection of the other half when an equally dividing plane is passed. It has been mentioned at length in some highly metaphoric texts that; to lead a peaceful life, there must be harmony among the various emotions in us. Without this the life becomes chaos and exists as noise in the universe. So is our existence, the very cosmos or the extragalactic nebula- a noise? The matter would have destroyed the antimatter in its due course so, how is it that the universe exists? Was this imbalance pre-planned, if so then by what/whom? There are always more questions than the answers. What we forgot to consider here are the factors. The distance, time between the matter and the antimatter. It maybe probable that the antimatter might be approaching our matter-istic world. By the way, I find it funny that 'matter' and 'material' appear and sound so similar, they look cute with the suffix 'istic'. They even share the same symmetry, 3/4 letters on either side. Maybe when we believe that the 'matter' is 'real', we call it a 'material', cutting down a little repetitive 't'. I wish I could cut some 't's in the previous statement. Of course, our perception of 'real' is subjective to change- rial; no, not the Arabic currency. Such subtle hints inspire us to form the homophonic and familiar homo words, tell us about the gravity of the actual phenomena.

We tend to maintain harmony between what we effectively see/observe/feel and the expression we use for it. So when we are leaving some- thing/place/one, we use the word that signifies the creation of a nonentity. Similarly, when we are reaching some- place/thing/one, we want to signify completion. So in a way, our final destination is always from being rudimentary to being absolute. The notion of 'perfection', that any specified creation of ours must be self sufficient. To achieve this perfection, we begin our journey. But then again, to know what is complete we must be well acquainted with what is incomplete. This is why there's competition and also where Darwin's Survival of the Fittest holds true. The key to last long in a fight, to keep the head above the water level- survive. Surely it has been glamourized at varying lengths in recent cinematographs; The Dark Knight Rises, Arrow (TV), Lost (TV) etc. An organism shall do anything to survive, even the things it never believed itself to be capable of. Hence, we combine this instinct of survival, with the competition to justify the rotation of the planets. Some call it progress, change; Darwin felt that 'evolution' was the custom-fit term for it. This migration from incomplete to complete can be simply put as the expedition from imperfection to perfection. But there must be a balance. We need the idiots to make ourselves look intelligent. The hunter must have something to hunt. Little do they have an idea that, sometimes the hunted 'improvises' and hunts the hunter. We are ultimately the captives of our minds where the imagination is the only salvation.

We don't have the claws but we improvised and created instruments that could give us an edge over the wild. The jungle law was ultimately defeated and overwhelmed by the civilian law. Whether we believe that it's all, a part of a bigger plan; the nature evolves- one step at a time.

Always, the next step will be other than the ones taken before (that would be deemed cheating). At the same time it'll make sure that the clay remains to remind us of the footsteps we'd taken in the past. To remind us of the number of steps, type of steps (covered/naked legs) etc. we took to reach the paramount position of the present. This ability of nature, its creations to go towards evolution- for the betterment is what I think is responsible for the imbalanced harmony that exists among us.

One can rest assured that the path of sublimation, for redemption & melioration of our current selves and the one that lies beyond the obvious is Where We Are Going.

"Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at the close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light." - Dylan Thomas

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